Many researchers have been done, and it is concluded that in the recent year's many deaths are due to the heart diseases. Studies have shown that approximately 70% heart diseases can be prevented by taking healthy food in the right amount. Heart diseases are so common among people but here is good news, that we now know many ways to prevent cardiovascular disease.

 It must be known to everyone that a healthy diet is very good and beneficial for both your heart and fitness. There are wide ranges of fruits and vegetables that can reduce your heart diseases by eating them every day in a certain amount. There is a very small trick to turn your kitchen into a hub for heart health, do not cook the same dishes there must be the variations in fish, whole grains, vegetables and other items.  It is very important for the heart patients to eat foods in their natural form as they come from the ground. It’s often tough to change your eating habits but in order to reduce cardiovascular diseases its necessary.

         “What good for your heart is also good for your body and brain” said by most renown cardiologist. 

There are few simple steps to that could make a big difference in your cardiovascular health, mix and match these food items to see a healthier you.


This is a type of fish loaded with omega-3s in the form of fish oil, which helps in controlling the cholesterol levels and reduces the chance of heart attack for those who have experienced it before. Same for the other fishes like Salmon etc.


It acts as sponge indigestion. Oatmeal helps in soaking cholesterol, so it is not absorbed but eliminated from the body. Other whole grains such as bread, grits, and pasta are also very helpful as long as they contain the entire grain.


Primitive humans ate the whole animal, but liver is that part which contains a lot of fats. Liver contains good fats which are very good for heart health.


It plays the most important part of heart health as it contains the omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, and fibers which are very good for your cardiovascular system.


From the study of 2013, it is known that the women aged 25 to 42 who ate more than three servings of blueberries lower their rate of the heart attack about 32% as compared to those who ate less. Not only for blueberries but strawberries and other berries are also very helpful in this regard.


According to the 2012 studies it has been proved that dark chocolate is the friend of heart patients as it contains flavonoids called polyphenols which helps in blood pressure and clotting etc. But unfortunately, when it comes to milk chocolate and costly candy bars, they are not that helpful.


They are considered to be the best for your heart, just a spoonful of Chia seeds contains only contains 60 calories and also good in taste when they are mixed with yogurt or soup.


Coffee has a high number of anti-oxidants which reduces the risk of diabetes and heart attack. Its consumption must be 2 to 3 cups a day; it will help having a good healthy heart but do not add sugar to it.

It is very important to know that the list of these foods helps in having a good healthy heart but if it is taken in the right proportion and enjoying what you are eating as it will also improve your health. Avoid alcohol and foods containing high cholesterol.


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