Exercises You Can Do With Your Baby


baby exercises

Having a baby is a joyous occasion. You’ve now got this little bundle of joy to play with and love all day long. As great as this is, it can wreak havoc on your exercise routine. But one of the best things you can do is incorporate your baby into your exercise sessions not only so that you can stay fit, but also so that you can teach him or her the importance of physical activity to health.

So, what kind of exercises can you do with your baby? Here are three that you’re going to want to try:

  • The Plank. Whether you choose the front or side plank, when you are holding this position in an effort to tone your entire body, time will pass much more quickly if you are cooing at your little one and making funny faces. Just be sure to keep proper form (body and neck straight) so that you don’t wind up injuring yourself.


  • The Crunch. If your baby is a couple months old and can sit up on his or her own, place them on your lower belly, using one hand to make sure they don’t fall and the other can be placed behind your head. Crunch up and say “boo” every time you get close to them and you’ll likely work your tummy twice as hard when you laugh in response to the way they laugh at you.


  • Squats. You can use a baby carrier or simply hold your baby in front of you for this one. Either way, your squat will be that much more effective because you’ll have your baby’s weight added to the mix. For some added oomph, jump up a little when you return to the standing position. This is great for your thighs, but even greater for your baby who will love the roller coaster type experience.

Exercising with a baby is not only possible, but a lot of fun. Plus, it keeps you healthy so that you have plenty of years to enjoy each other and there is nothing better than that!

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