Resistance Band Training

Resistance exercise band fitness guide

Resistance Bands are multifunctional. Most strength training machines can only work one or two muscle groups and the same can be said for hand weights. However, resistance bands can be used in hundreds of different ways making them great whether you want an upper, lower or full body workout.



In order for you develop muscle and promote growth you first need to break down the muscle tissues. You achieve this by lifting maximum weight loads or  exercising until muscular fatigue. These forms of training are the best for making your muscles grow both bigger and stronger.

Performing  exercises repeatedly with strength resistance bands until fatigue will tone and sculpt your muscles.

How to use.


1. Practice all exercises without product until you’re able to perform movement with control and confidence.

2.Perform 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions during each exercise. If you are unable to perform these numbers then start with less repetitions. Rest for 10-20 seconds between sets.

3.Warm up before every exercise session. Simple jog on the spot for 3 minutes.

4. Maintain proper form throughout each exercise, if you begin to shake or feel pain stop and rest a little. You can alway return to the exercise when recovered.

5. Before use check for wear or damage to your band. Do not use if product is damaged. These bands are not suitable for children and should be kept out of reach.

Please contact a fitness professional or GP before performing any physical activity. All exercises should be made in a slow and controlled manner.

Fitness health shall not be liable for incident or consequential damages resulting from use of this product, or arising. 

We have put together some instructional video to help you get started for your first workout. 


For more information on resistance band training check out our training blog, here you will recent articles and training videos that focus on resistance band training. We have over 300 articles about resistance band training. We have also written a book on resistance band training, this is in ebook (pdf) format which you can purchase on Amazon or on our site click here. Compatible on all devices; tv, tablet, phone or computer.


Arm Exercises 


Chest and Back Exercises 






Training Plans