8 Common Misconceptions About Agility Training


Agility exercises are an important part of most any athlete’s training regimen, and not without good reason. When you’re agile, you move more smoothly, you’re more reactive, and you have better balance. Ultimately, all of these combined give you a higher level of performance, helping you excel at the sport you love.

At the same time, there are many misconceptions about agility training. Here are eight of the most common:

  1. Either you’re born with agility or you’re not. The truth is, agility is an ability that can be developed with continued practice.
  2. Agility training isn’t as important as strength or endurance training. Not only is agility training just as important, it’s absolutely imperative if you want to excel in a sport which requires quick movements.
  3. Improving your agility serves no purpose if you’re not in sports. Research has proven that agility training provides a number of advantages, one of which is injury prevention.
  4. Agility training is all about your ability to move your feet. While this is true, it’s only true in part. Ability training also enhances your eye-foot coordination, improving your coordination as a result.
  5. Agility training may be beneficial in some sports, but not all. In reality, all sports rely on your ability to think and react quickly, making agility training advantageous no matter which one you play.
  6. You won’t lose weight with agility training. Because most agility drills are done quickly and involve a lot of movement, you can lose weight by adding this training to your regimen.
  7. You don’t have to warm up before doing agility training. You should always warm up before engaging in any sort of physical activity.
  8. Agility training is one of those things you don’t have to do often. Just like with any type of exercise, if you want to improve, you have to do it regularly.

Now that you know the truth, get your agility equipment and start training!

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