Resistance Band Shoulder Exercises

Resistance Band Shoulder Exercises.jpg

Resistance band training is excellent for muscles and the bodyskeletal system. People often choose resistance training as you can increase strength, muscle definition and bone density with exercise band training. 

The top four resistance band shoulder exercises in the picture above. These are selected over technique, ability and benefits. All these exercises target the shoulder deltoid muscles. 

A tip for resistance band training, is too always make sure that you complete the exercises slowly and correctly. When making each movement please make sure you complete each exercises slowly with controlled movements. The slower you move the more you will feel the muscle contract during the movement. Each exercise will target slightly different muscle groups, but the prime area of the workout is for the shoulder muscles.  

 Resistance band shoulder exercises. 

  • Frontal Raises - Slight bend at the knee, keep your arms straight throughout the exercise. With overhand grip on the handles start position hands next to hips, then  raise arms up to shoulder height maintaining good control. 
  • Lateral Raises -  Very similar movement to frontal, just all that is different is that the arms are raised laterally away from body centre line. Using overhand grip on the handles start position hands next to hips, then  raise arms up to shoulder height maintaining good control. 
  • Upright Rows - Starting position hands in front of hips, draw the handles upwards towards the shoulders, bending at the elbows. Once maximum level reach pause and return to start. 
  • Overhead Press - Start position hands grasping handles either side of shoulder. Remember to breathe in then on the outwards breathe press the handles above your head, pause and return to start position.





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