Smart goal setting


When setting a new goal we often forget to add the specific element into our program, for example, If want to lose weight ,you need first to understand how much weight would you like to lose ? And when you would like to lose this by.

One of the best ways to up to date by check your goals when setting your program is by using the SMARTER principles.

Specific (What exercise ?)

I want to lose weight X

I need to lose 5 lbs ?

Measurable (Planning for steady increase)

I want more stamina X

I want to play with my children without feeling tired and out of breath afterwards ?

Achievable (Can i achieve my target ?)

I want to drop two dress sizes in three weeks in time for my holiday X

I want to embark on a sensible weight loss programme to reduce my cloths size over the next 12 weeks ?

Realistic (Will i reach my aim ?)

I wont to run a marathon X

I wont to start a fitness program based around running so that increase my stamina and fitness so that i will be able to complete a marathon ?

Time (How long ?)

I want to get a toned stomach X

I want to incorporate more abdominal exercises into my fitness program ?

Enjoy (Don’t put anything you don’t like into your programme )

I don’t like running but i hear that its the best exercise for the body X

I don’t like running, i enjoy swimming ?

Relevant ( Your interest !)

My husband wants me to lose a few pounds and tone up X

I want to take charge of my health and make positive changes in my life ?

By following these steps you can start writing our programme, you can simplify the changes that need to be made, also making sure that we are starting a plan which is right for us and will meet our goals.

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