Where Are Minerals Stored In Your Body?


You’re always reading that you need certain minerals in order for your body to run as efficiently as possible. But, do you ever wonder where your body stores these nutrients of goodness so that you can use them best when you need them?

Well, wonder no more, because here is a super quick and easy to understand lesson that will provide you with some of the answers you seek.

A Little Bit About Absorption

Although your stomach starts to digest the food you eat, the most mineral absorption occurs in your intestines. This is why individuals with medical conditions that involve regular bouts of diarrhea (like Crohn’s disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome) often result in mineral deficiencies as the partially digested food isn’t in the intestines long enough to withdraw the health enhancing nutrients.

Also, some substances can prohibit your body from absorbing the minerals you take in. For instance, if you consume too much salt, you’re likely losing a lot of calcium as sodium binds to it, thereby allowing it to be excreted when you use the bathroom. Phosphorus also affects your body’s ability to absorb magnesium, and so on.

Mineral Specifics

Now that you understand a little bit about absorption and some of its issues, here are where a few of your key nutrients can be found in your body:

  • You will find the nutrients magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus largely in your skeletal system as these three are responsible for strong, healthy bones.
  • Put your hair and nails under a microscope and you’ll find that sulfur is the substance that makes them stable.
  • One look at the water in your body and you will see that the minerals sodium, potassium and chloride are key to retaining proper hydration and fluid balance.
  • Of course, a large number of minerals are found in your blood stream, like zinc (important to your immune system and for blood clotting), copper (assists with metabolism and getting oxygen to your cells), fluoride (strong teeth and bones), and iron (anther oxygen transporter).

Nutrients are all throughout your body and each one is responsible for a very important task. Make sure you get all the ones you need so your body can do what it does best – help you survive and thrive!

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