10 Reasons Why Running Clubs Are Becoming More Popular

10 Reasons Why Running Clubs Are Becoming More Popular - Fitness Health

 10 Reasons Why Running Clubs Are Becoming More Popular

New running clubs are springing up everywhere adding to their increasing popularity. You might have heard about it or someone you know might have already joined one.

Wondering why it’s trending? Here are 10 reasons why running clubs are becoming more popular:

  1. Anyone can join

Clubs are committed to expanding; thus, a running club includes all those that love running. Consequently, such clubs have a diverse membership in terms of speed, running goals, and sporting background. It allows a platform for everyone to socialize while moving toward their fitness goals.

  1. They make racing more fun

When you join a club, you become eligible for a huge variety of races that are generally not open for non-member runners. Such races include track meetings, club relay competitions, and cross-country leagues.

  1. Re-discovering the neighborhood becomes interesting

When you run with people that are part of your club, you get to explore many new routes while you are accompanied by such a group that is aware of where they are going.

You will be pleasantly surprised to know how many breathtaking hidden trails are present right in your neighborhood! If you’d been running alone, you would hardly have stumbled upon any of them.

  1. They cost less than a gym membership

The membership fees for the running clubs depend on the services provided by the club, however, they are noticeably much cheaper than gym memberships. Of course, running can be as expensive you would like it to be (gear, accessories, etc.), however, at an average, it is still cheaper than other sports.

  1. Clubs provide people with flexibility

Joining a club doesn’t mean that you spend a lot of your time there because of the running commitments you have made. A club lets you be flexible around your needs and goals. At a club, you can decide what to do according to your availability and preference.

  1. It boosts motivation

When you run in a group, you make a routine and you tend to follow a training plan more closely. On days when you think of missing training, thinking about the fun you will have with your running friends is enough to get you out of bed.

  1. Clubs provide inspiration to people

All of the members in the club aren’t just runners. In fact, everyone brings a wide range of experiences to the club. This means that there is a variety of interests present in the group ranging from ultra-running to yoga, rugby, skiing, CrossFit, and triathlon. Plus, you know that there are many people at the club that would love to try out something new with you.

  1. Clubs are a place for free advice

Since there are various experiences and backgrounds present at running clubs, there are numerous people available to extend their knowledge and wisdom to you if and when you have any questions.

The questions don’t have to be about running only; they can be about managing an injury or the shoes that are most suitable for you to run in. Whatever questions you have, someone will have the answer for sure.

  1. Clubs facilitate structured training

Trying to run for ten miles when you haven’t sprinted a lot before is quite foolish and can demotivate you. However, when you join a club, you can take part in structured training and can be pretty successful when it comes to running for longer.

  1. Quitting smoking becomes easier

When you join a running club you are more likely to quit smoking when you realize how nicotine and tar are affecting your health.

You will realize that training is much more important than a cigarette because of which you will be able to cut down the amount you smoke before quitting completely. Also, running clubs can offer you the support you need to achieve your cigarette-quitting goal.

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