Running on a Treadmill vs. Road Running

Running on a Treadmill vs. Road Running - Fitness Health


For those people who optimistically made a New Year’s resolution to stay fit and do a bit more exercise, running is quite a good option. But is it better to do your running outside, or you should do it on a treadmill indoor without leaving the comfort of your own house?

The debate over whether the quality of treadmill running or outside running is ‘better’ is not a new one. This article reviews the pro and cons of both running on a treadmill and road running.

Running on a Treadmill:

The treadmill is one of the most popular types of home exercise equipment, which provides a straightforward, efficient aerobic workout.


The advantages to treadmill running include:

  • Easy to Use:

For those of you who find it difficult to walk uphill or have a concern about uneven terrain, it is good to give the treadmill a go. As far as exercise is concerned, the treadmill surface is flat and predictable making it easy to use.

  • Track your progress:

Treadmill lets you track your progress by virtue of speed, distance, and calorie display. Tracking your progress is important, especially when you are aiming towards a weight loss goal.

  • Helps you stay consistent:

The treadmill is a convenient way that makes sure you are getting enough exercise you need to stay healthy. Being indoor exercise equipment, it allows you to neglect external factors such as light, traffic, and weather.

  • Built-in workout programs:

Some of the treadmills even have preset workout programs that make your sessions more challenging. The programs are great as they make your workout fun and interesting as well.


Where there are many advantages to treadmill running, it has some disadvantages as well.

  • Workout Monotony:

The treadmill provides a specific kind of exercise that includes walking and running only. Therefore, working on a treadmill can get boring quickly if you repeat the same workout routine day after day.

  • Expensive:

Treadmills could be very expensive as the cost of a home treadmill ranges $700 to $2000. The initial cost is exclusive of additional costs associated with maintenance and repair.

  • Demands space:

Treadmills take up a fair amount of space as they generally do not fold up. Additionally, some of them have loud motors which may interfere with the nearby activities as well.

  • Lacks ancillary benefits:

The treadmill allows you to run on a flat surface. However, challenging your body to encounter obstacles like stones, hard or soft areas improve coordination among brain, joints, muscles and other body parts.

Running on a road:

Running outside allows you enjoy nature and breathe fresh air. The pros and cons of running on a road are discussed as follows.


  • Variable routes:

A great thing about road running is that you get to choose from an endless number of routes. It allows you to select different route depending on your mood that day thus eradicating the monotonous routine.

  • Variable surfaces:

Road running offers unpredictable surfaces that help to improve coordination among brain and body parts.

  • Free of cost:

Road running does not require any gym membership or buying a treadmill. It is, therefore, a cheaper way to burn calories.


Road running has some disadvantages at its end as well.

  • Excessive sun exposure:

People who engage themselves in outdoor running have greater sun exposure. Thus they may be at a greater risk for certain types of skin cancers.

  • Injury chances:

Running on uneven surfaces have the potential for knee injuries and even stress fractures.

  • Weather Conditions:

The weather is a deciding factor when you want to run outside. A grey cloud or few raindrops can have you canceling your outside running.















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