How to check your pulse

This is a basic article on how to check your pulse and others also how to read and measure the pulse in different areas of the body.  A normal pulse for healthy adults ranges from 60- 80 beats per minute. The pulse rate my change and increase  with the following conditions:

  • Exercise
  • Emotions
  • Illness
  • injury

Females from the age of 12 and older tend to have a faster pulse rate  than males, athletes and super fit people tend to have a low heart rate at around 40-50 beats per minute.

As the heart pushes the blood through the arteries you can feel the pulse rate, pulse can be found in four common places

  • Wrist
  • Lower neck (side)
  • Inside knee
  • Inside just above Elbow

How to take a pulse reading

  1. Using the first two finger tips, soft press firmly against the pressure point until you feel the pulse, this can take three or four times before you get it right, find yours first before you check others.
  2. Using a clock or watch, hold the pulse and count for 15 seconds, write down the reading and check again to make sure your correct.
  3. Once you have the reading multiply by four and you have the answer.




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