From trying out various home remedies to expensive consultations with skin specialists, things may have or may not have worked out for you. You may hard not realised, but the solution to more than half of your skin problems is right there in your kitchen cupboard; apple cider vinegar. The uses and benefits of apple cider vinegar are countless, and most importantly, it is a hassle-free cost-efficient remedy. With a number of nutrients including potassium, vitamins C, A, and b6, ACV is all you need for your skin problems.
So what exactly can ACV do for your skin?
- Acne
ACV is highly effective in preventing and treating breakouts on your skin. It acts as an anti-bacterial due to its acidic nature and is able to regulate and normalise ph. level of your skin. It’s time for you to give up the tiresome remedies and just focus on your all-in-one solution.
How to use?
You can use ACV both externally and internally. For external use, an apple cider vinegar toner is the best form. Mix 3 parts water (dilute it if your skin is sensitive) with 1 part vinegar. Apply the toner before bed on your skin and especially acne marks with a cotton ball. The effects will start to show very soon!
- Reduce skin irritation such as psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin condition which makes the skin salty, dry, red patches on the skin may appear. This condition occurs when the skin cells are being produced way faster. While there is currently no cure for the condition, drugs and remedies may be used for temporary relief. One of the effective remedies includes the use of ACV.
Raw organic acv can help reduce the itchiness on the skin surface, with its anti-itch properties. People with psoriasis apply ACV on their skin several times a week, and the results usually show in a matter of weeks. However, open wounds or cuts should come in contact with vinegar. For different people, acv works differently. There is no concrete scientific evidence backing up the use acv for psoriasis, so it’s advised to first consult your doctor/dermatologist, as it may work differently for you.
- Eczema
Eczema is another skin condition that may cause red patches, irritation and dry patches on the skin. The main causes of eczema are considered to be genetic factors. People with eczema have an unusually higher ph. the level in their skin (normal skin has around 5 ph level). ACV is widely used as a remedy to get temporary relief from the condition. It's acidic nature helps normalise the ph level in the skins
Use ACV toner as suggested or make an ACV moisturiser. Diluting ACV with coconut oil (also has soothing and ant inflammation properties) will help your condition to improve!
- Healing sunburn
Sunburns can take days to fade away and can leave your skin patchy and itchy. ACV prevent any peeling of the skin that is usually followed by serious sunburn. It can normalise your skin and fasten the healing process. Always remember to use ACV diluted, as it can cause its own burning sensation if not used responsibly.
Overall, considering the countless healing properties of apple cider vinegar and the fact that it is famous for treating skin conditions, it is fair to say that ACV can treat skin conditions. However, conditions such as psoriasis that have no cure can only get temporary relief and reduction symptoms. As convenient as home remedies may sound, you should always do your research before trying out any of them!