Omega 3 fish Oil


omega 3 

There are 2 main reasons for taking Omega 3 Fish oil,  its common knowledge nowadays that it can have multiple benefits for the body and mind, but what does it actually do. 

It’s ideal for the majority of us that don’t eat enough oily fish.

The UK’s Food Standards Agency recommends a minimum of two portions of fish per week – this equates to 450mg per day of long chain omega 3 fatty acids, which is why we recommend one to two capsules daily.

So there are a lot of people that don’t eat enough nuts and fish and even beans which are also sources of Omega 3,  so its quite an important part of the diet. The recommend daily dosage for men is 1.6g and for women 1.1g. 

 Other ways for intaking Omega 3 

Canola oil is produced from rapeseed, canola oil gas a high content of monounsaturated the good healthy fatty acids we need to increase in our body system. Because of this low saturated fat it makes it great for oil dressings, mayonnaise & cooking. Canola oil holds essential Omega 3 acids therefor is great for any use.

The highest omega 3 foods; Walnuts, flax seeds, Salmon ,these three foods act as natural anti-inflammatory agents for the bodies muscles & arteries. You can also use supplements like fish oil, flax seed oil and algal oil can be used to increase omega 3.



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