The 16-8 Diet



Want to get rid of those extra few pounds and attain the perfect body that you want? In this case, you should give 16:8 diet a try and see how it works wonders for your body. The idea of fasting does make one blanch a bit at first, but studies show that 16:8 diet can do a lot of good to your body!

The 16:8 Diet suggests that you constrain your eating activity to only eight hours of the day. It is a simple eating routine system that backs weight control. Although 16 hours sounds like a long time, you can plan all of your meals within the remaining 8 hours pretty easily. For instance, take your regular breakfast at 10 am, have lunch at 1 or 2 pm and your last meal of the day by 6 pm.

How it Works

If you follow the 16:8 diet, the amount of calories or even fat consumed is of absolutely no consequence! In reality, there are some physiological parts of this claim that actually make sense. Delayed times of eating, in which food isn't just taken relatively frequently, implies that more insulin is discharged trying to keep blood glucose levels stable. What's more, the urge to eat is less likely to be experienced, as we never truly let ourselves get extremely hungry and fat probably gets put away in the liver.

Experimental Results

Studies on animal support this approach with regards to weight reduction and hormonal control. In some fundamental examinations, rats given free access to high-fat eatables yet just for moderately brief timeframes weighed less and had no issues with their cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels or irritation in the liver. Then again, rats given free access to food for a 24-hour time span put on weight grew elevated cholesterol and high blood glucose and in addition weakened engine control. Scientists reasoned that eating food regularly results in the body going into capacity mode — putting on weight and setting weight on the liver which thus brings about increased blood glucose levels. Then again, when we quit eating for various hours, the liver quits discharging glucose into the circulatory system and rather utilizes it to repair the body's cells. Moreover, cholesterol probably gets separated instead of being put away.

What does this mean for us?

There is more proof that shows there are quite a few medical advantages related to this 16:8 diet from both a hormonal and weight point of view. All things considered, however, this is easier said than done. The environment in which we live too supports food consumption in a continuous manner, paying little mind to appetite or dinner time.

While the correct timeframe in which metabolic advantages are encountered from not eating is obscure, it gives the idea that leaving no less than 12 hours for every day without eating is advantageous, and at an extraordinary 16 hours every day. A good choice would be that if your day begins early, have a regular breakfast, eat your main meal at noon and afterward have a light nibble by 6 pm. If you eat along these lines, you will have 12-14 hours without eating every day but will still be having sufficient food and calories so you won’t encounter hunger pangs all through the night.


The key thing with fasting is, that for it to work, you have not to eat anything, while, all things considered, little additional items slip in which nullify the advantages. In that capacity, for the 8 Hour Diet to be powerful, you should devour a considerable supper eventually amid the day with the goal that your hunger does not get the better of you.

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