The Relationship between Strength Training and Mass for women


Strength training


It seems to be a fairly prevalent thought that any kind of strength training will inevitably make you excessively huge and bulky. This is definitely not the case, for if it were, there would be hundreds of millions of hulks stomping around across the globe. There seems to be a delusion, especially among women, that lifting weights will you cause to ‘bulk up’. In reality, if performed correctly, you will initially shrink by lifting weights. In general, a women’s dress size will go down quite considerably with weight training (and no dieting). This is due to the fact that exercise burns calories and as muscle ‘tone’ increases, the space the body takes up lessens proportionately. Once this early dress size loss happens, more size loss can transpire via increased weight training fat loss. If the muscles yield more baseline tension, spending more calories at rest, then we use up more calories and if diet is held unbroken (no dieting) then fat loss will happen. That said, the muscles will increase a tad in mass, although more mass expends more calories at rest and during exercise.


The dress size loss can be accelerated by a reasonable and healthy reduced calorie diet but dieting restricts strength gain so it is not suggested here. It is superior to become fitter and let your fit body expose itself at the same time that fitness is established. Many people stop exercising merely because they associate it so powerfully with restraining and unfriendly diets. It is important not to do unkind things to your diet without a fair cause and a metabolic basis behind it. It is characteristically more important and more effective just to exercise and over time the body you want will appear as a side effect of fitness gain.


There is another feature of physiology that renders the notion that women will promptly bulk up to monstrous proportions with just a few days of training entirely false. That discrediting fact deals with testosterone, the male sex hormone, the counterpart to oestrogen in women. Women only produce at the most a tenth of the quantity of testosterone that men produce. As testosterone is the chief anabolic driving force for muscle gain, and women have so little of it, they have very little risk of amassing huge quantities of muscle irrespective of how persistent they train.



    • Kilgore, Lon, and Michael Hartman. Fit. Iowa Park, Tex.: Killustrated Books, 2011.
    • Rippetoe, Mark, Lon Kilgore, and Glenn Pendlay. Practical programming for strength training. Wichita Falls, Tex.: Aasgaard Co., 2006.
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