Why Fitness Form Is More Important Than Your Lifting Weight


Typically, when people create their muscle building fitness regimen, they think primarily about the amounts of weight they will be lifting. Subsequently, they set goals that involve increasing those weights, slowly building their physique and making their muscles bigger and stronger. While this is certainly important to a well-rounded fitness routine, one thing is even more imperative to consider: your form.

If you are sacrificing your physical form in order to lift larger amounts of weight, you are likely doing your body more harm than good. To perform exercises incorrectly increases your risk of sustaining injuries, which means that you’re not going to be able to lift anything as you will be too busy recuperating and trying to recover from the damage it caused.

That is why proper form is the top priority when it comes to engaging in an effective strength training routine. It keeps you safe and makes the exercises more effective as they will target the right muscle groups, which means that you stand to gain the most benefits from your exercise sessions without having to worry about hurting yourself in the process.

If you are unsure what proper fitness form is, one option to consider is hiring a personal trainer. Although it may cost a little bit of money to take this route, it is money well spent because then you will know how to perform the exercises correctly. Besides, you will probably only need a session or maybe two to learn what you need to know. Get a friend to go with you and split the cost for even further savings.

YouTube also offers a number of videos that cover proper exercise form if you prefer to take the do-it-yourself route. Just make sure you pick ones from reputable sources. Also, look at a couple of different ones for the exercises you want to do and pick out the similarities among them to ensure that you’re getting good advice.

What form-related advice have you gotten that enhanced your workouts while slashing your risk of injury?

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