7 Most Influential CrossFitters in Fitness


It’s often said that if you want to be like the best, you need to study the best. Learn what they do and don’t do and mimic their actions. Follow their same strategies by creating similar plans.

So what if your goal is to be the best (or one of the best) in CrossFit? Who should you be paying attention to in order to achieve mastery in this area?

Here are seven of the most influential CrossFitters in fitness today:

  1. Mathew Fraser. Mat came in second at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games, and that’s after training just a year. As a former Olympic weightlifter with a 500 pound max deadlift, he has proven that he has what it takes to achieve success.

  1. Camille Leblanc-Bazinet. Prior to doing CrossFit, Camille was in gymnastics and rugby. Then, in 2014, she was declared the “Fittest Woman on Earth”, making her someone to definitely keep your eye on.

  1. Annie Thorisdottir. Annie is another influential woman in CrossFit after placing 11th in her very first competition back in 2009, eventually becoming the top contender in 2011 and 2012—earning her the recognition as the first back-to-back female champion.

  1. Rich Froning. Rich has been doing CrossFit for quite some time and it has paid off as he has earned the title of “Fittest Man on Earth” four years in a row (2011 to 2014) in the CrossFit Games. That alone makes him someone you want to learn from.

  1. Robb Wolf. Robb is a former powerlifting champion, performing a 565 pound squat and 345 bench, who now coaches some of the world’s most elite athletes in everything from CrossFit to proper nutrition.

  1. CrossFit.com. This site is one of the most followed CrossFit sites on the web, and it gives you access to WODs, exercise trainings and demos, journals and more—basically everything you need to be a CrossFit champion.

  1. Power Athlete HQ. This is another site you want to follow as it shares not only the information you want and need to know about CrossFit, but about fitness in general. It’s like an all-in-one site designed to make you the best version of yourself possible.

Any that I’ve missed? Feel free to add them in the comments below!

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