There are many ways that you can test for agility. One option is to do what’s called a “T-Test”. This is where you set up cones in the shape of a “T”, with three cones on the top being approximately five yards apart and the bottom one being ten yards down.
While being timed, an individual would start at the bottom of the T and sprint up to the cone at the intersection. Once there, he or she would shuffle toward the cone on the far left, then shuffle all the way to the cone on the far right, shuffle back to the intersecting cone and sprint back to the bottom of the T.
A male that can complete this in 9.5 seconds or less, or 10.5 seconds for a female, would be said to be extremely agile. However, if either sex took more than two seconds longer, being 11.5 seconds for men or 12.5 seconds for women, then they would be labeled as “poor” on the this particular agility test.