CrossFit Motivation


CrossFit Motivation


Just as with any form of physical activity, sometimes it is hard to stay motivated to do CrossFit. This particular exercise method isn’t exactly easy, causing many people to give up and find other avenues of fitness – or stop their exercise routine altogether.

So, how do you stay motivated to keep up your CrossFit regimen, especially if you feel your drive start to lag? If you are into social media, here are some options you may want to consider:

  • If you are on Facebook, there are several pages that may interest you. For example, one particular CrossFit motivation page called CrossFit M.D.I. "Motivation, Dedication, Inspiration"  regularly posts articles, exercises, and photos that can help keep you going. “Like” their page and you’ll get motivation right in your News Feed!
  • YouTube also offers several motivational CrossFit videos, like this one that pushes you to keep pursuing your goals and fighting your inner voices (and your competitors) even when you don’t feel like it, or this one that reminds you that progress takes time and continual effort, both of which are worth the results.
  • Pinterest has some motivational and inspirational CrossFit related pins if you’re a visual person that likes to use images to keep you going. Some even offer thought provoking quotes that make them twice as hard hitting and can double your momentum.

Of course, there is always self-motivation if you’re not into these types of forms of social media. For instance, you could take pictures of your body every 30 days so that you can see the progress you’re making, motivating you to keep up the hard work and enjoy the payoffs.

You could also tape your own motivational quotes and sayings on your mirrors, walls, and desk space so that you see them often. Breathe them into your soul until they become a part of you, and you a part of them. Don’t let yourself give up on your health and fitness goals and remind yourself of how great it is once you are able to achieve and maintain them.

Keep your CrossFit motivation charged and you’ll never run out of fuel!


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