Piloxing Fitness



Are you bored with your current fitness routine and feel like you’re in a rut? Would you like to try something new so that your mind is energized as much as your body? Well then, Piloxing may be just what you are looking for!

What is Piloxing?

Piloxing is a cross between Pilates, boxing and dance. It is a cardiovascular routine that not only works your heart, but also strengthens your muscles, making it resistance and cardio all in one.

What specifically does it take from each type of exercise? As far as Pilates, Piloxing uses its ability to make your body more flexible and tone, enhancing its effects even more by sometimes using weighted gloves. It also incorporates boxing stances and punches, self-empowering you with increased speed and endurance.

Finally, the dance portion of Piloxing fits right in with moves that are meant to inspire you mentally and physically, as well as leave you with a rock hard body that is more fit than ever. Sure, you’re going to work for it, but the results will be well worth the effort!

Where Can You Find It?

If you’re interested in Piloxing, it is currently being offered across the U.S. and Europe. They’ll even train you to instruct others if you wish, giving you the ability to build your bank account via an extra income stream (they even list your name and website on their current map of Piloxing instructors), along with building your body at the same time.

If you’d like to purchase some DVDs and try it in the comfort of your own home, that is an option as well. They even sell the proper clothing for you to wear so you can engage in Piloxing in style and comfort.

So, if you’re ready to do something fun and new, you may want to try it out. What do you have to lose…other than inches of fat?


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