A new fitness study found that more women are using weights, an increase of 63% of women are weight training or body building. This is great news, often women often seemed put off by weights, thinking that they will grow big muscle and look manly. This is not true , you need to lift super weights to grow big muscles.
Women should be using weights more as it’s important for the bone marrow, this is to develop and grow strong and combat against problems such like Osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is more common with women because of the menstrual system which removes important cells that keep the bones healthy and strong. Osteoporosis occurs when the body fails to form enough new bone.
Also when too much old bone is reabsorbed by the body.
Eating vegetables which are high in calcium and weight training is the best way to fight osteoporosis, green leafy vegetables are the best like kale and spinach.
Muscle is hard to increase as women do not carry testosterone naturally, without testosterone cells developing muscle is a struggle and a hard task.
Resistance bands are a great way to keep you muscles strong and healthy, try using a resistance a band instead of weights they give better results and don’t take up any room.