Although some would argue that it is the strength training sessions that make your muscles bigger and stronger, the truth is that it is actually the recovery periods where your muscles experience the most gains. To make a rather complex issue kind of simple, you’re essentially tearing your muscles when you work them out and it is the process of healing of the muscle fibers that result in them growing in size and strength. One way to assist with this recovery is to use a foam roller.
Foam rollers offer a number of different benefits. For instance, if your muscles are tight from an extremely hard workout, the roller can help relax and elongate them, reducing not only the recovery time, but also the pain or discomfort that can sometimes go along with it. The rollers essentially increase the blood flow to the recovering muscles, hastening the process so they heal at a faster rate.
Foam rollers also help if your post-workout discomfort is due to a trigger point. A trigger point is generally referred to as a knot in the muscle which can be tender to the touch, when movement is involved, or both. Getting these trigger points to release are beneficial not only in terms of pain relief, but also in relaxing the muscle so it has a smoother and faster healing process.
While you may feel some amount of discomfort when using a foam roller for recovery, the deep penetration of the roller is necessary to get the tight muscles or trigger points to relax and release. It’s similar to getting a deep tissue massage but, in this case, you don’t have to pay a lot of money for it and it is something you can do right in the privacy of your own home after every workout session.
What types of benefits have you noticed after using your foam roller?