Long distance running is a great way to get and stay in shape. Not only does it help strengthen and tone your leg muscles and core, but it also benefits your heart. It even builds your endurance, which makes it more beneficial if increasing your stamina is as important to you as increasing your strength and speed.
However, if you’re a starter who is getting ready to go on your first long-distance run, there are some all too common mistakes that others have made that you’ll want to avoid. This can help make your very first run more memorable…for all of the right reasons.
Starting Out Too Fast
The key to making long distance runs doable is to go at a constant, slower speed the entire time versus starting out as fast as you can and then falling behind once you begin to tire out. To help you figure out if you’re running at a good speed, try the talk test. If you can hold a conversation without struggling for air, then you’re probably at the right pace.
Improperly Fueling Their Body
Another mistake that some long-distance runners make has to do with the nutrients, primarily the quick-releasing carbs, that they give their body pre-race as well as during the run. While a little bit of sugar can provide you the energy you need to make it to the end, get too much and you’ll likely feel nauseous and edgy. Ideally, just have a little bit and see how your body reacts. If it needs more, give it to it, but only in small doses.
Not Paying Attention to Their Bodies
When you go on a long-distance run, it is critical to pay attention to your body and what it is telling you. If it says you’re going to fast, slow down. If it says it needs water, hydrate it. Failure to listen to its cues could be harmful, if not downright dangerous, to your health.
If you’ve ever been on a long-distance run, what else would you add to this list? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below!