9 Reasons Why Reddit Is The Best Fitness Guide

9 Reasons Why Reddit Is The Best Fitness Guide - Fitness Health


Reddit is a website dedicated to social interaction and sharing of information between communities. It's one of the best online platforms to ask questions and discuss topics you're interested in. This makes Reddit an especially useful and efficient forum where you can come to seek help and information about fitness and health. Furthermore, it offers numerous features to make things efficient for you:

1. Subreddits
Through this feature, you can completely customize your homepage. The only posts being displayed will be the ones you have 'subscribed' to by subscribing to the 'Subreddit' which is a niche devoted to one particular topic. In this case, the fitness subreddit is called 'Fittit'. This helps you avoid unnecessary traffic and stick only to things you would like to know about. For example, if you're on Reddit so you can be helped along your weight loss journey, you wouldn't want to encounter the tempting food subreddit showing up on your screen!

2. Reddiquette
This term refers to the general decorum which has to be observed by all users. Personal attacks, abusive language, trolling, racism and bigotry isn't tolerated and violators are banned. This means that you can share and talk about personal things and struggles you've been facing in your fitness journey without the fear of being ridiculed, harassed or body sh amed.

3. Voting up and down
This feature determines the rank of a post, or related comments and ensures that submissions are voted up or down based on their relevance, not because the reader agrees or disagrees with the opinion. Comments which add nothing to the post or attempt to derail the topic can be downvoted and will be removed. Similarly, content you find useful can be upvoted and help other users. This means that you'll get to read high quality and useful content to help answer your fitness questions.

4. Personal Experiences
Users who have struggled the same way as you during weight loss, weight gain, eating disorders, or facing problems when eating healthy will have put up submissions describing what they had to overcome. Such content can be a huge source of inspiration as readers, including you, can relate on a personal level, and be motivated to work towards their goals.

5. Professional Help
This could be a link to an external website that's useful for gaining more research and in-depth information about a health related topic, or fitness tracking apps and training websites made by professionals.  has been shared will be tried and tested by the users who've posted the links. Furthermore, comments can vouch for or denounce the effectiveness of a diet or exercise, etc. based on user experience, so you know that what's you're being recommended is trustworthy.

6. Beginner Workouts
If you're someone who's just starting out on your fitness regime and want to take baby steps, you need not worry. You will find plenty of in-depth yet simple beginner workouts, diets, etc. This way you won't be overburdened or scared out of trying something new. Other beginners will also keep you company.

7. Gender Specificity
Doesn't matter if you're looking to lose or gain weight or if you want to do cardio or yoga, Reddit can cater to all your needs. But since content can be highly specific, there will be information on fitness aspects that only women or men experienced. You can defer to the ladies or gents of Reddit for all gender-specific health issues.

8. FAQ's
If you've got a question, you probably won't be the first one asking it. The easy to access FAQ's present on Fittit will cover all sorts of tips and tricks, diets and exercises. No question is left unanswered!

9. Reddit App
Reddit can be quite confusing and needs some time to figure it out. If however, you don't have the patience or still can't understand, the mobile app is just for you. No more getting lost between threads and posts as this has a much simpler interface and, is also easier to access. Fittit will be easier to track, and you can be notified of any new discussions you're interested in!


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