Calcium and Masgnesium is an essential chemical element in our body. It helps in maintaining strong bones, regulation of our muscles, controlling our blood pressure and balancing the nerve functions present in us.
Calcium on its own plays an important role in functions of hormones and enzymes whereas on the other hand magnesium helps in the formation of protein and DNA. These two nutrients mostly work together in our body and so are taken together as well giving us more benefits. However individually they have their own perks.
- Calcium is a crucial mineral in growing new bones and maintaining their strength, and their supplements are used mainly for treating and preventing osteoporosis, which is a disease that leads to weak and easily breakable bones. Magnesium also helps in reducing osteoporosis, and both these minerals strengthen our bones.
- Calcium and Magnesium both are essential for controlling high blood pressure. Calcium helps in controlling high levels of magnesium and vice versa. These nutrients are mainly recommended to help people with prehypertension.
- Calcium supplements help losing weight in both males and females. It plays an important part in breaking down fat and storing it. The more calcium present in the fat cell leads to more fat being broken down, thus more weight loss. Calcium deficiency causes the body to release the parathyroid hormone which in turn causes the bones to release calcium into our bloodstream.
- Magnesium helps in controlling diabetes. It helps to regulate the insulin reaction to blood sugar levels. People with low-level intake of magnesium in their blood have a higher risk of developing diabetes. Magnesium aids in regulating blood sugar in our body thus promoting normal blood pressure.
- Magnesium also helps in protecting us against heart diseases and protects the heart against irregular heartbeats. It helps in calming the nerves and preventing problems such as vomiting, indigestion, cramps, abdominal pains, and constipation. And its deficiency can result in malignant heartaches.
Calcium on the other hands protects Cardiac Muscles. It comforts them in relaxing and contracting and helps our nervous system to perpetuate proper pressure in our arteries, reducing the risk of Coronary Heart Disease.
- Adequate calcium prevents the risk of Colon Cancer and suppresses the growth of polyps that lead to cancer. Moreover, Calcium with Vitamin D also protects women against breast cancer.
After we have taken the calcium supplements, the excess calcium passes into our intestines, after our body has absorbed what it needed, and the unabsorbed calcium has reached the colon, where it binds to the cancer promoters and are excreted out together.
- To relieve cramps magnesium is the perfect option. It treats backaches amazingly well by relaxing the back muscles, reduces kidney stress and muscular tension, and as mentioned above it helps in absorption of calcium at a faster rate which helps in faster healing of the bones.
Having leg cramps and general day to day fatigue is a symptom of deficiency of this nutrient.
- Before your teeth and gums start giving you any trouble, Calcium should be your best friend. Calcium helps in keeping your pearly whites safe by strengthening our jaws, which is why most dentists recommend drinking lots of milk. Calcium-rich diets should have a high intake, especially in children so that they can grow up with strong teeth.
- A migraine for some people can be very extreme, and this problem occurs mostly in females due to which magnesium supplements and liquid reduce the severity of these migraines and also the rate of their occurrence.
- Magnesium is important for the formation of proteins which slowly and gradually transfer into collagens. Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that is present in ligaments, tendons, cornea, bones, cartilage and the skin, also in fibrous tissues. The more the collagen, the stronger the area where it is present will be.