7 Foods High In Dietary Fiber

  Bean soup  


If you’re looking for foods that will help you lose weight, keep you from getting overly hungry, enhance your digestive system, and enforce blood sugar stability as well as provide you with lower levels of cholesterol, you want to choose items high in fiber. That’s right; fiber-rich foods offer all of these benefits (and more) and can increase your overall health and wellness. Ideally, if you’re a man, you should get between 30 and 38 grams of fiber a day, whereas women only need 21-25. So, which foods will help you reach this goal? Here are seven:

  • Prunes – These super sweet fruits offers almost 8 grams of fiber per cup. Enjoy them as a mid-morning snack or cut them up and add them to your baked good recipes to give them a fiber packed punch.
  • Rye Bread – One of the easiest ways to get fiber into your diet is to eat bread. Two slices of rye will get you just over 12 grams, making your sandwich or morning toast that much more beneficial to your body.
  • Navy Beans – Actually, a lot of beans (such as pinto, kidney, and several others) are high in fiber, but navy beans top the charts with 19 grams per cup. Talk about an easy way to meet your goal. One cup and you’re almost done!
  • Bean Soup with Ham – Enjoy a ½ cup of this appetite satisfying soup and you’ll get almost 20 grams of fiber too. Have it with a slice of rye bread and you’ve met your daily quota if you’re female and be remarkably close to it if you’re male.
  • Artichokes – This vegetable contains just over 10 grams of fiber per full artichoke and 7.2 grams if you prefer to just eat the heart. Either way, you win!
  • Quinoa – Containing 5 grams of fiber per cup, quinoa can help you meet your daily needs not only of fiber, but also of other vitamins and minerals such as several of the B vitamins, copper, zinc, magnesium, and more.
  • Whole Wheat Spaghetti – Make a half cup of spaghetti to go with your dinner and you’ll take in 6.3 grams of fiber. Enjoy it as the main course, and you can double that amount!
Eat more fiber via foods like these and you will look and feel better than ever before so be sure to add them to your grocery list today!
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