How to Choose the Healthiest Bread


Healthy breads

When you’re standing at the supermarket in front of the many different varieties of bread and bread products (like English muffins and bagels), it can be overwhelming trying to pick the healthiest one. You can’t go based on color or the declaration of “wheat” on the label as neither one ensures that what is inside is good for you.

Therefore, here are three simple steps you can follow the next time you are shopping to help you find the best and most nutritionally sound bread available to you:

Step #1: Look for whole wheat (not wheat flour, enriched bleach flour, or any other flour for that matter, but specifically whole wheat) to be the first ingredient on the label. If it is, then you know that you’ve got a stellar choice. If it isn’t, keep reading labels until you find one that is made primarily of this nutritionally sound ingredient.

Step #2: Once you’ve found a brand that uses whole wheat, your next step is to make sure it is 100% whole wheat. These breads are lower in fat, higher in protein and fiber, and good for you for a number of other reasons (like containing a lot of body healthy vitamins and minerals).

Step #3: Your final step for finding a healthy bread is to check out the sodium level. Because some breads contain a high amount of salt which is bad for your blood pressure and can make you retain water, you’ll want to choose an option that has 200 mg per slice or less. Take note of the serving size to make sure you’re figuring correctly.

Follow these three steps and you’re sure to pick a bread or bread product that is going to help your body versus hurt it.  That way, you can enjoy your sandwiches, toast, or any other way you use bread guilt free because you know you’ve done your homework!

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