What are macros?
Macro diet is a diction that is strictly related to gym folks or someone who is somehow close to the nutrition industry. That being said, macro diet is a form of healthy lifestyle that can be adopted by anyone. This diet does not ask people to starve themselves or go crazy in the gym. All it does is plan the meals and the intake of them and divide them in such a manner that it helps your body grow and get strong.
One of the few benefits of macro-dieting is that it is customisable. You can mold and shape it according to your like or dislikes, or which kind of dieting do you prefer or you over all body goal.
- Find out how much calories does your body require?
The first thing that you would need to do is figure out how much energy you exert in your different activities.
Following is the simple calculation for both men and women. This calculation requires a simple calculator.
Men: calories/day = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) + 5
Women: calories/day = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) – 161
Now, multiply your result by an activity number that best suits your daily actions.
- Inactive/desk bound: x 1.2 (limited exercise)
- Casually active: x 1.375 (light exercise less than three days per week)
- Moderately active: x 1.55 (moderate exercise most days of the week)
- Very active: x 1.725 (rigid exercise routine every day)
- Extra active: x 1.9 (vigorous exercise two or more times per day)
The end result will be you TDEE. You can either subtract or add your calories. For example: those who want to gain muscles should increase their calories in take, and vice versa.
After the calculations are done with, you would have to decide on your ideal macro-diet, which will depend upon your height, age, body shape, activity level, and goal. The complicated thing, when it comes to customisable dieting, is that what may have worked for your friend, let’s say, will not work for you. The ‘Perfect diet plan’ in this case will have to be perfect for your body.
- If you have been meaning to lose weight, and want to counting macros for that specific reason, then make sure you do so while also cutting on calories. Your diet will change its ratio if you also partake in physical exertions or exercises, if not then the following should work for you: 10-30% carbs, 40-50% protein, and 30-40% of fat.
- If you are one of the gym junkies, and want to have large bulging muscles, then your diet will be slightly different. First of all, get this fallacy out of your head that in order to gain healthy muscles you have to have a protein intake that will put even the Hulk to shame – no. You need protein but if not monitored carefully, you can overdo it. Which would result in weirdly placed muscles.
Count your macros carefully and follow the following range: 40-60% carbohydrates, 25-35% protein, and 15-25% of fat.
- If you already are a healthy, happy, and completely satisfied with your disposition, but are simply looking to maintain your current health then you do not need to go to these above mentioned measures as they can turn out to be rather extreme in your case. In order for your body to sustain your current weight you would simply require: 30-50% of carbs, 25-35% of protein, and 25-35% of fats for your body.
- Last but not the least, if you are currently following the Keto plan, the you need to be extra careful, as your body would require the most precise amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat so your body can remain in ketosis. The ideal count would be: 5-10% of carbohydrates, 15-30% protein. And 60-75% or more of fat.
Just keep a journal or download an app, and keep track of your body and any fluctuations in your weight.