Bodybuilding Getting to the Basics Part 2


Intensity is crucial to allowing training to function correctly so as to maximise muscle mass gains. This beckons the problem though, what precisely is intensity? Well, in one sense, it deals with how much effort you apply into each and every workout. In another, it is the quantity of stimulus one is able to deliver to the targeted musculature, allowing them to react and develop. It is vital to realise the difference between these two sorts of intensity, or else, in all likelihood, you are prone to persistently trying harder (often to the degree of injury) rather than becoming adept at the kind of intensity methods that elicit maximum training progress.

Augmenting Training Intensity

Intensifying difficulty at the start is not that tricky. Training adaptations at the start of participating in an exercise regimen come mostly from the nervous system, and they come pretty swiftly. Once the preliminary adaptations take place, though, it becomes more challenging to continue to increase intensity at the same regularity. Undoubtedly, if you take protracted rest periods and train somewhat sluggishly, then the real intensity of your session will be rather marginal (unless of course you’re into heavy strength or power training, then it is a necessity). Time, in our situation, is a crucial factor in amplifying training intensity. By adjusting time, you can augment intensity in two simple ways. Firstly, you can try to complete the same quantity of work in less time, and secondly, by endeavouring to accomplish more work in the same amount of time. While we’re on the subject, the most basic way to go about it is fundamentally to train with more weight. An additional valuable technique is to reduce rest periods between sets and striving to complete two to three exercises sequentially without stopping. This places greater strain on your capacity for endurance. Endurance is, to a large degree, a component that can be progressed in a gradual manner. You should also train at the most rapid pace possible without becoming slack with respect to your technique. This will help you to accomplish the most volume of work in the least amount of time. Beyond increasing intensity by manipulating time or increasing the load, there are an assortment of training techniques that can help ascertain adequate progress. These all cover approaches of placing extra, rare, or unforeseen stress on the muscles, in that way compelling them to adapt to the increased demand.


Matthews, Michael. Bigger, leaner, stronger: the simple science of achieving the ultimate male body. S.l.: Waterbury Pub., 2012.

Mejia, Michael, and John Berardi. Scrawny to brawny: the complete guide to building muscle the natural way. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale, 2005.

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, and Bill Dobbins. The New Encyclopaedia of Modern Bodybuilding. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.


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