Vitamin E Rich Foods and Health Information

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In today’s health spotlight vitamins C and D get all the glamour, but what about their distant cousin vitamin E? Fat-soluble vitamin E is actually a group of eight different compounds called tocopherols that together contain an abundance of health benefits.

Arguably the greatest benefit of vitamin E is its potent antioxidant power. These antioxidants, provided by vitamin E, have been linked to helping prevent cancer, heart disease, strokes, cataracts, and possibly some of the signs of aging.

Vitamin E protects artery walls and keeps the “bad” cholesterol from being oxidized. Without this vitamin E protection stroke and heart attack risks increase significantly. Applied externally, Vitamin E increases the healing rate of wounds because it minimizes oxidation there also. Additionally, vitamin E slows the aging process through the oxidation of fats. Studies have shown that vitamin E also aids in the aging process by improving short term memory.

A recent study at Rush University showed that vitamin E lowered the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 67% in a subject.

Vitamin E, taken orally or applied topically, can provide UV protection for your skin. This can be credited to the fats in vitamin E that reduce inflammation caused by harmful UV rays.

To obtain all these wonderful benefits of vitamin E you can choose between foods naturally high in vitamin E, or a vitamin E supplement. Foods high in vitamin E include seeds, almonds, nuts, olives, and various greens, to name a few. Sometimes in our busy lives, it is difficult to get the needed amount of vitamin E, so we must turn to supplementation as an alternative. Vitamin E supplements are an easy and convenient way to get your daily dose. You can stop by your local Walgreens or grocery store and get all the incredible benefits of vitamin E for only around five to ten dollars.

Top 5 foods rich in vitamin E
1. Almonds
2.Sunflower seeds
3. Pine nuts
4. Dried apricots
5. Spinach


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