How to change from bad habits to good habits.


Fitness health changes.

Fitness has a number of effects on the human body; both physical and metal benefits are gained from fitness – a feeling money can’t buy!

Weight loss starts at home and we need to look into our daily lifestyle and see what changes we can make and need to make.

Change is never too small. Remember, for success, the trick is not to take on all your challenges at once: you must focus on the small changes first! If you focus only on the big things, you are more likely to give up trying and therefore fail!

Changing everything at once can be too stressful and you can end up getting demotivated, whereas if you start by beginning to make small changes each week or day, you can gain great benefits. You don’t have to run three times per week and stop eating all fat! .Just start gradually, changing something small, and after a week has passed often you won’t notice the change you’ve made, but you will have improved your health in one specific way.

This changing process can help you in your lifestyle, and you will find the challenge less painful and be more motivated.  For example: change from white bread to wholemeal bread. Surely that wouldn’t be a big enough change for an individual to be healthy? Maybe not, but you will have achieved a small change and that one small change can easily lead to another!

This changing process can help you in your lifestyle, and  you will find the challenge less painful and more motivated.

For example: change from white bread to wholemeal bread. Surely that wouldn’t be a big enough change for an individual to be healthy? Maybe not, but we have achieved a small change and that one small change can easily lead to another!


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