Want to know how fit you are? Then test yourself, using the 1 minute sit-up test.
The purpose of this test is to measure the combination of strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles by counting the number of reps achieved in one minute.
This is one of the easiest test routines for trainers and teachers. It is a simple test of muscle endurance and an easy way to see the development of fitness training
It is not suitable for any person suffering with lower back pain or neck problems
You will need someone to hold you and help count for accurate readings.
Lie on mat or supported surface, knees bent 90 degrees with feet slightly apart.
Arms should be crossed and hands placed on the opposite shoulder.
The ankles should be lightly held to avoid movement .
Every sit- up requires you to come all the way up and curl back down in a controlled movement 20cm from the floor.
When sit- up is correctly understood and completed safely, begin the test. Start the clock and count every time the exerciser comes up to their knees.
Continue for one minute. Breaks are allowed at any time.Try to co-ordinate exercises with breathing by counting out loud with every rep achieved.
Average reps achieved
Age sex Excellent Above Average Below Average Poor
-20 M +49 48-44 43-37 36-24 -24
-20 F +42 41-32 31-25 24-19 -19
21-30 M +44 43-39 38-32 31-20 -20
21-30 F +36 35-27 29-22 23-17 -16
31-50 M +39 38-30 29-23 22- 15 -14
31-50 F +30 29-24 23-15 14-10 -9