The worlds easiest pizza ! Tortilla Pizza ! this recipe will leave you feeling happy and not blotted with pizza dough, they are so easy to make and great fun cooking with kids.
Tortilla pizza has the added extra of being healthy, you don’t have to cover them with fat, a simple few toppings and you can make yourself a true prize winner.
I love using plain tortillas as pizza bases, they come out perfect every time! the best thing about using the tortilla base is the time it takes to cook, average tortilla pizza will take 8 minutes to cook.
The toppings can be what ever you want, always best to use a nice thick sauce just place it on top of the tortilla and add your toppings chicken, salami, cheese, avo, peppers, tomatoes, creme fraiche it’s all good.
Just pop your oven on at 190 c-200c while you prepare the pizza, using a flat baking tray, lightly grease and place the pizza carefully on top.
Then cook for 5-8 minutes . Remember to keep an eye on the pizza as they don’t take long to cook and the sides can burn if the oven is to hot.
when cooked remove from the oven drizzle with a little Olive oil, add some fresh herbs and enjoy.
For chicken tortilla below use tomato sauce for the base, then used some cooked sliced chicken and avo, with a grated cheese & Italian herb topping.
You can always use gluten free tortillas!
- Spinach & feta
- Sun dried tomato & Olive