Relaxation methods are important in every one’s life, there are a select of different relaxation and mediation techniques available and with regular practise its essential to release tension from our bod.
- Eliminate as many distractions as possible
- make sure you are not interrupted by phone or noise
- Temperature comfort
- Loosen clothing and shoes
- sit or lay in a comfortable position with natural light
- Play some relaxing therapeutic music
Muscle relaxation
This involves progressively relaxing muscles of the body one by one, working from the toes to the head. Each stage tell yourself to relax and feel the muscle becoming heavy, warm, relaxed and comfortable. Focus on deep breathing slowly throughout.
Sit quietly, close your eyes and focus on your breath for a few seconds . Every breath ‘out’ say the word silently to yourself. Repeat this word every time you breath out slowly and every time you find your thought wandering, just keep returning to the word. You can use any word you wish, its good to have a very simple word which has an easy meaning, like one, out, relax, breath, etc. Continue with word and breath until relaxed and finished.