Toasted Bagel with avocado boiled egg and tomatoes

bagel tomato avocado vegetarian recipe

This recipe is an ideal breakfast treat for any vegetarian. Packed with good fats and plenty of nutrients for this recipe you will need the following  ingredients

2 eggs free range

1 handful of cherry tomatoes

1 bagel

1 avocado


The tip in boiling the prefect soft egg is to make sure that the water is at boiling point when you place the eggs in the water, once in the water cook for 3 minutes on full heat then reduce the heat to medium heat and cook for a further 3 minutes.


This method of cooking will help you when it comes to peeling the shell off from the egg. also it’s important to make sure that you crack the shell very well before removing the shell this will enable the shells come off easily. Also I use running cold water over the egg to help this process.






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