How to Recover From Dehydration



When it comes to total health and wellness of your body, one thing is for sure: proper hydration is the key. After all, if you don’t replenish the water it uses during grueling workouts or while in hot environments, you run the risk of minor fatigue up to and including death – and everything in between.

Signs of Dehydration

So, how do you know if you’re lacking in water and need to rehydrate? Some of the most common symptoms include:

If you’re overly dehydrated, you may even feel foggy or lightheaded. People who are severely lacking water sometimes report the inability to think straight.

Beginning Recovery

If you have any of these signs of dehydration, there are certain actions you can (and must) take to recover and start to feel better. First and foremost, stop whatever you’re doing and find a cool place to rest. If you are outside, get out of the sun and into the shade. If possible, lie down and put your feet up, removing any extra clothing so that you can start to cool down.

You’ll want to start rehydrating your body too. Because your fluids are going to be off balance, you need more than just water. You need salt and sugar too. Ideally, for every quart of water you drink, you’ll want to add .5 teaspoon of salt and 6 teaspoons of sugar. Try to drink two of these quarts over the course of the next couple of hours to begin to restore the minerals that your body lost in the dehydration process.

When you are out and have no access or ability to make your own rehydrating drink, sports drinks and juices can work just as well. The key is to start getting fluids back into your body before any damage is done to your internal organs.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you get dizzy, pass out or do not respond to the recovery process, seek immediate medical attention. You may need treatment above and beyond simply rehydrating yourself, so don’t be afraid to get it!


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