4 Ways to Strengthen Your Glutes


Not only are your glutes responsible for giving you a firm backside, but they also help in everyday activities as well. For instance, you would find it difficult to stand up from a sitting position or walk up a flight of stairs if it weren’t for your gluteal muscles. Therefore, strengthening them can help you look better and make life a little easier.

Here are four gluteal exercises that can help:

#1: Single Leg Deadlift

From a standing position and keeping your back straight, lean forward at the hips and lift your right leg so it is extended fully behind you at hip level. Reach toward the ground for added stability. Hold the position for a count of four and then return to the starting position before doing the same exercise with your left leg extended behind you. You can hold weights in your hands to make it more difficult if you’d like.

#2: Single Leg Squat

Again, from a standing position with your arms extended in front of you, lift your right leg off the floor and slowly lower your body to a squat position. Keep your back straight and make sure your left knee does not extend beyond your left ankle. Hold for a count of four and then return to the starting position before doing the same exercise with your left leg raised.

#3: Lunge

To perform a lunge, stand with your back straight and take your right leg and step forward. Keeping your torso vertical, lower your body to the floor until your left knee almost touches it. Return to the starting position before moving to the other side.

#4: Step Ups

Using a step, step up on it one foot at a time, keeping your back straight and your shoulders back. Once both feet are on the step, step back down, one foot at a time.

Perform these four exercises regularly and you will have stronger glutes. What gluteal exercises do you do?

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