3 Resistance band total body exercises

3 Resistance band total body exercises - Fitness Health

Resistance total body exercises



Clean & Press 

1.. Start in a standing position with your  width apart and your knees relaxed. Hold the resistance band handles low in the squatting position, shoulder width apart with your thumbs facing. 

 2. Move upwards pushing from your feet,  into full standing position whilst driving your hands from the floor up to the shoulders. Once standing press the handles upwards  straight from your chin to above your head into the sky. 

Remember when completing this exercise never fully extend the body to complete lock out, always bend at the knees even in full stance with resistance band fully extended.


Squat Exercise 

1. Start position place your feet at shoulder width apart grasping the handles of the resistance band. Bring these up to shoulder height pulling your shoulder blades back into straightened position. 

2. Slowly bend your knees and lower your body to the floor, remember to poke your bum as far as you can out behind you whilst keeping your stomach tucked in and back in neutral position. Pause when your thighs are parallel to the floor and return to start position.

Lunge Press


1. Place the resistance band underneath leading front foot. With your free leg, step backwards until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Hold this position throughout the reps.

2.  Start position place grasp the handles of the resistance band and bring up to shoulder height.

3. Move upwards pushing from your shoulders pressing the handles straight upwards from your chin to above your head. Once the maximum tension point is reach lower slowly maintaining control throughout the movement back to start position. Remember to complete the exercise reps in the same position changing over legs for every set. 


Tips for these exercise. 


  • Slow movement for beginners aim for balance whilst strengthening the muscles
  • Make sure that your knee never travels over the end of your big toe
  • Hold for 3 seconds and return to start.




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