Baked almond crusted camembert & apple coleslaw with raspberry balsamic reduction

Baked almond crusted camembert & apple coleslaw with raspberry balsamic reduction.

This is an amazing recipe for dinner parties, ideal to starter guaranteed to get smiles.

• 2 whole camembert cheese rounds

• 1 egg

• 40g breadcrumbs

• 20s almonds sliced

First you need to coat the camembert, you can do this easily.

Just crack one egg in a bowl, in another bowl make a breadcrumb and almond mixture, then roll the cheese in the egg and transfer it to the breadcrumbs giving a good thick coating.

Place a frying pan on the heat with a little oil. When hot carefully fry the coated camembert for a minute on both sides, this will give the cheese a good golden brown colour when cooking.

Then place on a oven tray and cook for 10 minutes on 170 c.

Whilst the camembert is cooking prepare the coleslaw, do this by

• 100g cabbage sliced fine

• 1 peeled and grated carrot

• 1 sliced onion fine

• pinch or salt and pepper

• 2 pinches thyme

• 1 grated apple

• 100 g Mayonaise light or salad cream

• few drops lemon juice


1. Slice all the vegetables

2. place into large mixing bowl

3. combine the cabbage, apple, onion and carrot together and mix with your hands

4. add mayo, thyme, salt & pepper

5. leave for one hour before serving

When 10 minutes is finished take out of oven and place on plate serve with coleslaw and balsamic reduction.

Making the reduction is easy. Place balsamic in a sauce pan and add a little sugar and reduce by half the quantity.

100 ml takes thirty minutes on medium heat.


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