What Cardio Machine will Burn More Calories ?




The answer that everybody wants to know at the gym  "Which cardio machine will  burn the most calories ?" In order to burn calories you need to activate more muscles during your exercise. Unsurprisingly the treadmill is number 1 for burning more calories that any other machine. In a recent study students at Dublin University researched this topic, they discovered that the calorie burn rate ratio on the running machine (treadmill) was twice more effective than exercise on the cycling machine burning more than double the amount of calories.


Running  for cardiovascular training was the best way to burn more calories than any other machine burning  at an effective rate of 200 calories per 14 minutes.


These are the other time results it took to burn 200  on the other Cardiovascular machines ;

X trainer - 16 minutes

Rower - 21 minutes

Cycling - 29 minutes


The reasons behind these result showed that when we run too burn calories we incorperate more muscles in the body. We work larger muscle groups and run carrying our body weight. The other machines have more support and reduce our body weight which is another important reason why we burn more calories  Less body weight = less calories.

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