
Breakfast Berry Protein Smoothie

200 ml Greek Light Yoghurt  50 ml Organic Semi Skimmed Milk  Handful fresh raspberries  Handful fresh blackberries  NTX Performance protein powder 2 tbsp  Method  Place together in a large jug...

Breakfast Berry Protein Smoothie

200 ml Greek Light Yoghurt  50 ml Organic Semi Skimmed Milk  Handful fresh raspberries  Handful fresh blackberries  NTX Performance protein powder 2 tbsp  Method  Place together in a large jug...

Top 5 Natural Protein Smoothie Recipes

  Are you looking for a protein smoothie recipe that isn’t loaded with unnatural and bad-for-you substances? Would you like one that is just as pleasing to your taste buds...

Top 5 Natural Protein Smoothie Recipes

  Are you looking for a protein smoothie recipe that isn’t loaded with unnatural and bad-for-you substances? Would you like one that is just as pleasing to your taste buds...

Smoothie Raspberry Healthy Recipe

All you need in order to make your own smoothie is one of the following pieces of kitchen equipment; Food blender Smoothie maker Hand blender Smoothies have to be the...

Smoothie Raspberry Healthy Recipe

All you need in order to make your own smoothie is one of the following pieces of kitchen equipment; Food blender Smoothie maker Hand blender Smoothies have to be the...

Summer fitness protein smoothie.

    Recipe makes 2- 3 servings. Add more almonds for extra protein, for each table spoon of almonds you get 4 grams of extra protein. 1  Banana , 78kcal...

Summer fitness protein smoothie.

    Recipe makes 2- 3 servings. Add more almonds for extra protein, for each table spoon of almonds you get 4 grams of extra protein. 1  Banana , 78kcal...

Protein packed smoothie

Bananas are a valuable source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium potassium vitamin B6 ,vitamin C Mango has vitamin E this reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular illness,...

Protein packed smoothie

Bananas are a valuable source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium potassium vitamin B6 ,vitamin C Mango has vitamin E this reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular illness,...

Banana & nutmeg smoothie

  Ingredients 2 bananas 1/2 cup yoghurt 1/2 cup whole milk 2 tbsp honey 2 pinches nutmeg Method Peel and chop bananas place into blender. add the honey, yoghurt and...

Banana & nutmeg smoothie

  Ingredients 2 bananas 1/2 cup yoghurt 1/2 cup whole milk 2 tbsp honey 2 pinches nutmeg Method Peel and chop bananas place into blender. add the honey, yoghurt and...

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